With the exception of a few tropical showers, Summer is still here and the Brits are to be found exposing their legs to the rays, doing unusual things like attending rooftop cinemas, sitting in the park and going out without a bowler hat and an umbrella.
SodaStream Reviews HQ has been a veritable hive of activity, what with the arrival of a new cannister of gas, a new baby in the family and more work than anyone can shake a stick at. It’s been the ideal time to keep the fridge stocked with bottles of SodaStream, keep the fan on at maximum and dispense copious amounts of fizzy beverages to any guests within earshot.
I sat down this morning with a bottle of SodaStream Lemon Lime flavour for the first time, neither filled with trepidation or excited by the challenge ahead of me. On the one hand, a new flavour is always something to be ready for, palette cleansed for the fair judging of flavours. On the other hand, I pretty much figured what it would be like: Lemonade with a twist. Read more »